Ride Date: 02/22/2025
Ride Title: A Taste of Spring
Meeting Place: In front of Genoa Town Park.
Ride Leader: Lyn Willoughby (951 642-1611)
Email: lynwilloughby@att.net
Type of Ride: Road
Mileage: 25
Amount of Climbing:
Description: Looks like we will have spring like weather this weekend so let's go for an easy ride. We'll go south on Foothill to 3F and go south on Fredericksburg as far as we want, possibly to 88. Turn around and return.
Please RSVP to lynwilloughby@att.net or text to 951 642-1611.
Snacks and drinks available on request
Ride Date: 02/23/2025
Ride Title: Ranchos to TRP
Meeting Place: Highway 88 at Kimmerling
Ride Leader: Bill Magladry (7757815768)
Email: billmagladry@gmail.com
Type of Ride: Road
Mileage: 40?
Amount of Climbing:
Pace: Medium
Terrain: Medium
Description: I plan to leave my house about 10:30, be at Highway 88 about 10:45 and at 3F/The Trees at 11. Go up through Diamond Valley to Turtle Rock Park and back via Carson River Road.