Date: 04/09/2025
Ride Title: AACC's Spring Membership Party
Description: Mark your calendars for AACC's Spring Membership Party! Come check out what we're up to this year, see old friends and make some new ones. Get all the details from our March Newsletter.
Where: CVIC Hall at 1604 Esmeralda Ave, Minden NV
When: 6 - 8:30 pm
Date: 04/09/2025
Ride Title: AACC's Spring Membership Party
Description: Mark your calendars for AACC's Spring Membership Party! Come check out what we're up to this year, see old friends and make some new ones. Get all the details from our March Newsletter.
Where: CVIC Hall at 1604 Esmeralda Ave, Minden NV
When: 6 - 8:30 pm
Date: 04/12/2025
Ride Title: Spring Rider Roundup
Description: The annual spring roundup is being held this year on Saturday April 12. As always, we need ambassadors and ride leaders for the road and mountain bike rides being held. If you are willing to help out, please contact me at: lynwilloughby@att.net or text to 951 642-1611.
Date: 04/12/2025
Ride Title: Leadout riders STILL needed
Description: My last request yielded a leader for the mountain bike route. We are still in need of 3-6 individuals to leadout the rides for the Annual Rider Roundup on Saturday, April 12 out of Genoa. If you are willing to help out, please contact me at: lynwilloughby@att.net or text to 951 642-1611.
Ride Date: 04/12/2025
Ride Title: Spring Rider Roundup - Kingsbury-Spooner
Depart Time: 10 or 10:30am
Meeting Place: Genoa Town Park on Nixon Street (Nixon is just the continuation of Genoa Lane), Genoa, Nevada.
Ride Leader: Jennie Hamiter (5303071168)
Email: jenniehamiter@mac.com
Type of Ride: Road
Mileage: 45
Amount of Climbing: 4500 ft
Pace: Medium
Terrain: Hard
Description: This is one option of AACC's Spring Rider Roundup, 10am departure for the no-drop group led by me, 10:30am departure will be the fast group. Check the Ride Board for other ride postings for same day and meeting place, with start times set so we all get back to the park at roughly the same time, around 2pm, for a group picnic. The club will provide some snacks and drinks, but you may want to bring your own lunch. There should be enough different ride options that you'll find at least one will suit you. Or just show up for the picnic!
This ride: We'll head south on Foothill Rd, climb Kingsbury, down to Highway 50, and take 50 around to Spooner Summit, down to Carson, then either a short dirt road or a trafficky bit on 395 to get back to Jack’s Valley Rd, then to Genoa. I'm riding with the No-Drop group, which will start at 10am. Note that a slightly easier option is to turn around at the top of Kingsbury.
If you prefer not to have to wait for slower riders, you can join the faster group led by Greg Kogut, starting at 10:30 am - but please do slow down and socialize a bit before you fly by us!
Feel free to contact me if you have questions about this ride.
Ride Date: 04/12/2025
Ride Title: Spring rider Roundup - Mtn Bike
Meeting Place: Genoa Town Park on Nixon Street (Nixon is just the continuation of Genoa Lane), Genoa, Nevada.
Ride Leader: Nigel Leigh (7752677089)
Email: nigel.leigh.nz@gmail.com
Type of Ride: Mountain
Mileage: 10
Amount of Climbing:
Pace: Medium
Terrain: Medium
Description: This is one of the ride options in AACC's Spring Rider Roundup. Check the Ride Board for road ride postings for the same day and meeting place, with start times set so we all get back to the park at roughly the same time, around 2pm, for a group picnic. The club will provide some snacks and drinks, but you may want to bring your own lunch. There should be enough different ride options that you'll find at least one that suits you. Or just show up for the picnic!
We'll ride to the Sierra Canyon Trailhead (Centennial Dr) and head on up at a relaxed pace. Depending on snow levels and weather conditions, we'll either continue up Sierra Canyon, or turn onto Eagle Ridge trail.
Come and join in! Remember there are plenty of options to opt out early on this ride if your legs aren't up to it yet.
And hey, remember to bring your picnic blankets, chairs and food for a social snack in the park afterwards.
Ride Date: 04/12/2025
Ride Title: Spring Rider Round-up - Genoa to TRP option
Meeting Place: Genoa. Park at Foothill and Nixon
Ride Leader: Monica Siewertsen (9512331081)
Type of Ride: Road
Mileage: ~50ish
Amount of Climbing:
Pace: Medium
Terrain: Medium
Description: This is one of the options for the club's Spring ride. This is a moderate paced no drop ride for those that are not quite up for all the climbing of Kingsbury/Spooner. We will head out Foothill, right at the 3F trees, consensus will determine Carson River Road or Emigrant trail up to Turtle Rock Park. Return will be again consensus Diamond Valley or Carson River Road making our way back to Genoa and the after ride gathering. Hope to see you on the ride or in the park!
Ride Date: 04/12/2025
Ride Title: Genoa to 3F and beyond
Meeting Place: Genoa Town Park on Nixon Street (Nixon is just the continuation of Genoa Lane), Genoa, Nevada.
Ride Leader: Lyn Willoughby (951 642-1611)
Email: lynwilloughby@att.net
Type of Ride: Road
Mileage: 30 ish
Amount of Climbing:
Description: This is one of the options for the club's Spring ride. This is a moderate paced no drop ride for those that are not quite up for all the climbing of Kingsbury/Spooner. We will head out Foothill to 3F and return to Genoa. Options will include Carson River Road or Emigrant Trail. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions at lynwilloughby@att.net or text to 951 642-1611. Hope to see you on the ride or in the park.